Just 12 A Day
“Just 12 Sacha Inchi Seeds a Day have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular function.”
Omega 3 and 6
Goodbye Fish Oil,
A Healthier Solution is Here.
And it tastes much better, too.
Essential Fatty Acids are key for regulating all bodily functions, from cell membranes to mood and behavior. Omegas have shown to increase cardiovascular function and decrease potential for heart disease. Studies have linked intake of EFA’s to benefiting the immune system, brain function, and even treatment of cancer patients.
Enjoy Your Omegas!
Sacha Inchi seed has more Omega 3 than Omega 6, and therefore allows the body to convert ALA into EPA and DHA…the very types of Omega 3’s found in fish and products like fish oil. Purity of fish oil has been widely questioned due potential high levels of mercury, other heavy metals, and PCB’s. Our Sacha Inchi contains more EFA, is healthier than most alternatives, and enjoyable to eat!
Diet and Exercise
Maintaining a good relationship with food is key. It’s even more effective when you combine good eating practices with good exercise. Just breaking a sweat everyday boosts your metabolism and keeps your heart happy.
Omega-3 Benefits
- Heart Healthy
- Immunity Building
- Stamina Increase
- Joint Health
- Bill
Omega-6 Benefits
- Heart Healthy
- Immunity Building
- Stamina Increase
- Joint Health
- Bill